A Shared Sorrow


by Pr. Dwayne Nordstrom 05.21.2022

Mark 15:40-41

WLG – on 6/4/16 sermon

In this week’s sermon Pastor Frank spoke about the struggle of faith as seen in Mark chapter 9 and the wonderings of a father who brought his demon-possessed son before Jesus.  At first he was a bit doubtful about Jesus’ ability to do anything for his son since evidences had been to the contrary.  It…

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Easter Performance 2016


WLG – on 4/23/16 sermon

Romans 12-16: In these chapters Paul discussed, as Pastor Dwayne pointed out, 5 ways that God’s will for his church can be displayed: that we SERVE, LOVE, BUILD up, PRAY for, and MEET with one another. We named and tried to define some Spiritual Gifts related to these chapters and gave some examples of GBCers…